I am just coming back to Destiny after 3-4 years away and noticed that my name was auto-assigned to a guardian#_ _ _ _. After reviewing the reasons, I see why because my name was KonkeyDong originally which is just Donkey Kong mixed up. I have long since changed my gamertag to Master Konkey, dropping what was likely caught in the name filter.
When I try to update my name on the site, it just keeps saying "You can only change your Bungie Name one time", which is all good, except that I have NEVER changed my name. Where this is extra frustrating is that I want to start participating in Bungie Rewards and if I get a custom piece, I want a patch with MY gamertag on it rather than some random assigned ID. Can anyone advise how to fix this?
Thank you
Imagine if bungie would have just sold the option to change your name whenever. 🤷🏽♂️