Both weapons should be harder to use. You can't take a pulse or scout and jump all over the place from 30+ meters and hit every crit. Shotguns also, every shot is a kill. There's far too man obstacles and walls on the new maps, so every game is a hand cannon shotgun, and for a pulse/sidearm player, it sucks. Invisible hunters and Strand nonstop. You got players swinging in with Strand to shotgun you. Hand cannons from everywhere behind cover. I mean, what other weapon can some noob jump up from behind cover and fire and hit crits every time. I wish someone would send me a clip doing that with a pulse or scout. How about Bungie grow some balls and do something about this. Gave us new maps specifically geared towards hc/shotgun. Make a big map with more open spaces so players can hide behind everything the entire game.
Every weapon in the game is more forgiving than hc. If you watch someone anchor their grapple, wait for them to fly in and shotty you, then you have a problem. Auto rifles are literally free (.73 TTK) with no perks. Pulse rifles (high impact) are free as well. A good pulse player would beat a hc player of the same skill level every time simply because of range and TTK advantage. Fusions, slug shotguns, and sidearms are a hard counter to pellets when distance is managed correctly. You can also hit pulse rifle shots just as easily as hc shots. Auto rifles? Do we even need to discuss that? lol You’re losing to better players. That’s not shade. If you’re using anything but a hc and you lose to a handcannon; the other player is probably better than you. It’s astonishing that all the people who complain about hc’s probably don’t use them enough to have an opinion on them.
formerly known as EarthlyJaguar0 - old
Hc shotgun is the most skill full and balanced loadout -
Profile checks out Carry on
Dude just give up.
You must be on PC. None of that is really an issue on console as long as the "connections" aren't bad.
PVP is a -blam!- show!
Pulses and Autos are literally the easiest weapons to use. HCs require nothing but headshots to get a 'quick' kill thats still 0.87 second at best with a 140 and no damage buff while ARs and pulses can achieve a 0.67 TTK easily and ARs are the most forgiving weapon in the game. People need to stop posting things that are blatant skill issues. Youve been told before youre just a skill issue, actually accept it already.
What are you playing on? PC or console? If console, what are your sensitivity settings? They could be holding you back. You have turn sensitivity, which I got all the way up. You got regular look sensitivity, which I got on default. And then you can tweak your aiming speed, which I turned down by a couple of points. So far I’m noticing a difference. If you’re in a duel and you’re mashing down on the sticks to get that last hit it could be missing the mark. I know people say it’s a skill issue. I thought I’d dig deeper and try to help. I notice when I’m in a duel I’d get the first 2 crits and if my opponent is getting his crits in too it’s either disengage or try to beat him. And I’d notice before I’d be mashing on the stick and my reticle would miss him in those nerve wrenching moments.
Pulse and auto rifles are too easy to use
Harder to use? Like harder to use right now? Granted there are some hand cannons that are easier to use than others. But if it’s not tlw, crimson, or lunas howl it’s not that easy. You got to hit the head 3 times. Yes I know there’s aim assist and large hit boxes. But using them didn’t just reward me kills. I still had to aim. Sometimes I missed. Sometimes I hit the body which both can mean death to you in a 1v1 unless your opponent misses too or is a Tommy no thumbs. Or is it Timmy? Oh it’s his brother I guess. Matchmaking hasn’t been putting me up against people with no thumbs. I got to me on point or I’m losing. Why is it though when I’m getting frustrated using a hand cannon I switch to an auto rifle or pulse and it becomes much easier? I’m average at PvP too.
Lore-Deity - old
Liking all the nerf handcannon posts recently hopefully bungo listen -
[quote]Both weapons should be harder to use. You can't take a pulse or scout and jump all over the place from 30+ meters and hit every crit. Shotguns also, every shot is a kill. There's far too man obstacles and walls on the new maps, so every game is a hand cannon shotgun, and for a pulse/sidearm player, it sucks. Invisible hunters and Strand nonstop. You got players swinging in with Strand to shotgun you. Hand cannons from everywhere behind cover. I mean, what other weapon can some noob jump up from behind cover and fire and hit crits every time. I wish someone would send me a clip doing that with a pulse or scout. How about Bungie grow some balls and do something about this. Gave us new maps specifically geared towards hc/shotgun. Make a big map with more open spaces so players can hide behind everything the entire game.[/quote] I’ll take skill issue for 500
Don’t even have to pull up the destiny tracker for this one
both weapons are perfectly fine
hcs and sgs are balanced man
Get good