If you ever make a post that rightfully points out overtuning in the game, like the new Zero Hour on Legend for example and someone comments ‘skill issue’, just look at the stat tracker for their seasonal levels.
The vast majority of the time, you will see that this person claiming ‘skill issue’ is a Paragon, has an average seasonal level of 300s and 400s and has a bunch of raid titles done; a poor, sorry soul that really doesn’t have anything better to do with their time than play Destiny, and clearly doesn’t know that many, MANY other, much better games exist.
The way a lot of you complain on here makes it sound like you have not played any game other than destiny either. "Hard difficulty is hard, nerf it so i can beat it" "puzzles are too hard, remove them so i can beat them" "jumping is too hard, remove jumping sections" This game is easy. You people complaining about the difficulty and challenges in this game are sad. If you are bad doing these things in destiny, you are bad at doing anything in every video game you play.