Looking to recruit members to my clan.
In an effort to have a badass name and respect in the field, we are Xurs Assassins. Experienced Raiders and P.V.P. players alike are welcomed here. Just be baddass. Requirements as follows:
*At least 2 characters or 1 maxed
*Xbox one
*Mature (because 18+ doesn't include that)
*Heavy experience in the raid.....missions.....or crucible
*Dont sound like a 12 year old
*Actually to be honest you KNOW if you suck or not just choose wisely like parents who leave candy alone on the front door for Halloween.
Edit #1: That's a bad example.
Edit #2: Warlocks are the "white privilege" of Destiny. I just thought that should be known.
Post your race(s)
Your level(s)
And one reason you think your good enough to be one of XURS ASSASSINS!!!
Stay classy guardians,
Reaper Got You
Well if your on 360 I'm a 29 Titan human race and other is Exo race (share gear) it would be great if I could join!