The Daring Dragoons [TDD]
"In Bruce we trust"
In eighteen-hundred-one the Revolution had been won
And Uncle Sam’s favorite son had a job he needed done
Which brought Jack to a lady, both beautiful and smart
Who found his mix intriguing—a scoundrel with a heart!
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli
There was never a leatherneck braver, a Daring Dragoon is he
He’ll halt the bold advance of Napoleon’s attack
There ain’t a French or pirate rogue who don’t know Jack!
From the halls of Montezuma to the shores of Tripoli
Sailin’ round the bloody world to defend democracy
And when ya need a fightin’ man ya’d trust ta watch yer back
Just ask the bloke right next ta ya—it’s… Jack!
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Created June 24, 2016