"Pray for My Enemy"
All those interested in joining WEarePR here it's simple You have to go though an initial guardian evaluation . THE Required: The clan is open to all ages anywhere in the world. The Major requirement to join except the will to fight for something greater than yourself, be a team player in the fight for success All members must have a mic,We have a highly developed Com. system. We require you to show us what you can do ALSO must have the compatibility with the key members. together Members decide if your a good fit. Again # Raid completions, KD,W/L, Light irrelevant ALL of it can be taught but Who you are matters, respect is key . We would like guardians who are fun to play with and reliable , say what you mean , mean what you say. If you hav If there are any questions please msg your gamertag to us and we will contact you . Visit www.facebook.com/NHWPR
Clan Founder- SgtMayhem5thSF or CEOPerigren - Elite Recruitment Officer.
Approval Required
Membership requires approval.2 Members
Created July 29, 2014