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Virtual Bromance

Virtual Bromance [BROS]

"Always one short"

Standing in noble defense against those that would be un-awesome, those that would riff our chill, and those who would totally ruin everyone's good time. These noble (gender non-specific) “breauxs” have joined forces to talk about how they want to Raid all of the Raids, to put the moves on Petra Venj and Mara Sov, to drink all of the Vex's milk, to take it to the Tower and make a bunch of dirty dishes in Zavala's kitchen and just leave the mess there for some sweeper bot to clean up... They are on a quest to fill their vaults with every piece of Exotic gear, to craft every extraneously obscure weapon, and most importantly… to wear only the freshest gear, to take that extra fifteen minutes in orbit adjusting their shaders, and to join forces with other semi-driven, like-minded pseudo-professionals.

Don't just Become Legend, Become Bro-Legend.

Be awesome.
Be excellent to each other.
Never take yourself too seriously.

  • Approval Required

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  • 57 Members

  • Created October 22, 2014

Season Progression

Clans unlock characters perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. The more active the clan, the higher the clan level.

Clan Level


0 Clan Contribution this Week

Members (57 / 100)





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