The Guardians of Liberty [GoL]
"Give me liberty or give me death!"
Just some chill people who like to play destiny. Always getting some raids going, strikes just about daily, crucible when we feel like it. Professional bullshitters. (Exclusive BAMF can enter this Clan ONLY) #justsaying
RULES: (which everyone should do anyways)
1. No racism or any kind of descrimination...duh.
*sidenote* joking is ok as long as the other person doesn't care.
2. Treat others as you want to be treated (dont be a douche or douchebag)
3. NO squeakers. (nope not ever)
4. Must be lvl 30 on at least one of your character (does not matter which class)
5. NO Drama (what are we in 5th grade?)
5. Must be chill and cool to kick it with
Thats about it.
Approval Required
Membership requires approval.2 Members
Created December 16, 2014