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WarriorsOutOfDarkness [WOOD]


We are about honor and integrity and ofcourse beating every part of destiny. Together. We will be making some changes first of all. We will be introducing a ranking system of who plays with us the most but if you dont play you will remain at the bottom of the list. You are expected to play prison of elders, Trials of Osiris, Complete the raids, and do anything that helps you achieve your goals. If you are one of those people who just likes to have the clan tag in their name i suggest you find another clan. You are expected to NOT leave a match in session if you get frustrated or angry, as this will cause you to be suspended from the clan. Suspension will remain until we see fit. If you have any friends looking to be accepted into a clan talk to Brazil or me first before having them join. We are not going to accept random people that we get notifications from. Thank you and good luck out there Warriors.

  • Approval Required

    Membership requires approval.
  • 7 Members

  • Created January 29, 2015

Season Progression

Clans unlock characters perks and rewards by leveling up their clan. The more active the clan, the higher the clan level.

Clan Level


5000 Clan Contribution this Week

Members (7 / 100)



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