CouchLockRaiders [CLR]
"No one fights alone"
CouchLockRaiders is about always having familiar squads to play with and just to chill out for a few hours while been comfortably able to socialie on a new level with the clan members and community. CouchLockRaiders sould be taken literally as once you sit down imagine you just sat in a bucket of glue. I understand life is more important and if you have shit to do, do it but when you sit down with your clan you'd better be sitting in glue unless life gets in the way you'd better sit down and take the sofa with you. RESPECT each other TURN OF COD MODE. Also its not just a clan for raiding its whatever you and your clanmates are felling Example; Nightfalls,Heroics,Blazing,Iron Banner,Bounty etc..
Open Membership
1 Member
Created May 09, 2015
Members (1 / 100)