Level 31 Warlock: "looking for 5 lvl 32 guardians, preferably 4 Titans and Hunter Swordbearer only"
"Must have ghorn or black hammer fully upgraded" ~[i]teamplayer444[/i]
"I'm still lvl 30 but I can hold my own." ~[i]SilverNargacuga[/i]
"Running tiger strikes. Need 2 32s with maxed ghorns." ~[i]T0xicLTDan[/i]
"NO SQUEAKERS!" ~[i]ThtguyEriccc[/i]
Level 31 Hunter: "NEED ONE MORE willing to use soared" ~[i][url=http://i.imgur.com/GlD0FRG.png]Xinimite[/url][/i]
"New character needs help with story, must be lvl 32 with ghorn" ~[i]ahighpenguin[/i]
Level 29 Hunter: "LFG Hard VOG 30s Warlock and Titan who know how to cheese" ~[i]Angel S Cake[/i]
Edited by Raygun_X_: 2/9/2015 11:36:08 PMSo true... So true... Got into 3 separate groups yesterday and the guys that posted were 31s with hunger asking for 32s with gally only. I left all three. Not because they were 31 but because they were hypocritical. Really that's all I see is gally gally gally. I join anyway but I don't use a gally you don't need it. Just a 331 tracking is fine. Ice breaker for ammo and staggering is the way to go.