Hey, do you remember me? I am the person who spent all my motes on IB and threatened to burn my disc if Xur sold the chest engram when I was down to zero. I had 166 last time but now I have about 96. I think that once I hit 100 I am going to stop going on every day and only keep Destiny as a game to go on reset day for nightfalls and raids. Let me rant a little bit. I have been searching and searching for Praxic fire since launch now. It does not exist on my game and it is ticking me off. I have ghorn and other amazing exotics, but not praxic fire. I have decided to grind until 100 motes and then stop for the day. I think the content in this game is repetitive and relatively subpar. I am looking forward to the weapon patch so much, but that is all. This game served its purpose already, and reset and Xur are the only things left worth going online for.
List of weapons I still want.
-Red death
Heart of the Praxic Fire.
I got revenant recently, and it is awesome. However, I think this game needs more content. I have supported it so much, but dear god does it need more. It will not be able to compete with bigger releases if it stays a mess.
Please be respectful.