I looked it up on the internet but it didn't tell me how to do it with people that aren't my friends. Really annoying when I try to invite someone to a fire team and I don't know how.
Edit: on the xbox one smart glass app I see the "find someone" button but not on my console which is weird.
Edited by john_poops: 2/10/2015 4:22:20 PMOKAY!!! Here is my best attempt: When you're at your home screen, it will look like [url=http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--qjdFEBi8--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/irjdy6t8iyxlqwfxwavl.png]this[/url] If you don't see the 'Friends' app anywhere, then go to your [url=http://compass.xboxlive.com/assets/08/ff/08ffa0e0-a815-4788-9b03-7c73cc44d935.png?n=one-mygames-apps-settings-l.png]'My Games and Apps'[/url] tab. To make your life easy, press the 'Start' button on your controller (Three little lines) and select "Pin to Home." This will appear to the LEFT of your home screen under the 'Pins' section. If you do see this "Friends" icon from the home screen and you select it, it may "Snap" to the side of your active screen, launching your most recent activity. If it does this, go back to the home screen, highlight the "Friends" app, press the "Three line button" and "Quit" the friends app. When you relaunch, it will appear [url=http://teambeyond.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/August-Update-1.png]to look like this[/url]. Select 'Find Someone.' Good luck.