originally posted in:Order Of Reclamation
Need 5 people please! I accidentally broke down my vision of confluence yesterday so I'm trying to get it back. And I need the ice breaker lol
I'm a level 31 hunter with FULLY UPGRADED GHORN that needs to do VOG either normal or hard. I have seen videos on how to do however Iv never done before. Warning, I HAVE NO MIC. Gamertag is CptCuddlesWorth, I'm Xbox one.
[quote]Need 5 people please! I accidentally broke down my vision of confluence yesterday so I'm trying to get it back. And I need the ice breaker lol[/quote] I'm a level 31 warlock my gt OsamaBinDerpin
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Add me disturbedtom84 lvl 31 warlock
Me me I am a lvl 29 warlock (Yeah I know I'm one lvl lower but I can handle it) my gamertag is ShadowHawk152.
30 hunt GT Buy a Pug
My gamer tag is my username on here. The "i" in blaine is a 1
Invite me in I'm level 30 warlock gamer tag NumberedTuna617