Please don't take away the magic fun of hand cannons. It's why I log in every day. Thanks in advance for your consideration.
This is a game, and it needs to be fun.
My 2 cents. It seems to me, being a day one and beta person with Destiny that it has become less and less fun with each tweak. They are clearly designed to appease the vocal minority in crucible or slow the progress and in some cases even punish the skilled players. The more `i play the more it feels like I'm being told "Don't be too good or we will f%^k up your gameplay! You will be that average Joe No-Skills or don't bother playing!" Case in point. In Iron Banner everyone with any skill at PvP used either a Suros, Vex or some other autofire weapon. We used them because they offered a good trade between killing power and range. Instead of seeing this for what it is i.e. players choosing their weapons based on how you would fight any battle (Note no army ever gives their troops a semi automatic "Pulse" rifle and expects them to live beyond a few minutes in a battle). They instead saw this as some flaw in other weapons that needed "fixing". Do they really not get that forcing you to use a different weapon is simply a way to take the choice away from the player. It's literally the arrogance of saying "A lot of you have gravitated towards auto rifles because you're not dumb. We would prefer you to be dumb so we are removing the reason for autorifles to exist and making the choice for you to use a pulse rifle. Not because you want to or because it's a wise choice but, purely because designer X made them and is crying that you weren't dumb enough to use them"