This is not a bash. It comes from someone who, like many of us, really likes Destiny but is reaching a point of burn-out. The things that popped out to me are the lack of carrots and poor communication from Bungie.
If you trawl the forums, you'll find many threads dedicated to each point made, but this is a handy summation of the frustration hardcore Destiny players are, and have been, facing of late.
I'm no hater, and like Kirk, the article's author, I know there's an unbelievable game inside Destiny. I'm looking forward to HoW, but until then, it'll just have to be a strike now and again.
Edit 1: You guys all rock. It's been a very clear-headed conversation in here so far, aside from some weak trolls. And thanks for the bumps! I think it's good to read what a lot of us have been thinking.
Edit 2: I'm pretty sure the forum ninjas have buried any Kotaku-related posts so they don't trend. That's their prerogative, and somewhat understandable despite the normal levels of vitriol you can generally find on these forums.
Feel free to bump if you think others should read it but, after over twenty-four hours of pretty constant replies from you crazy, magnificent bastards, it's fair to say that we don't need an article to spur healthy discussion about one of our favorite games.
[spoiler]You guys are -blam!-ing killing my phone.[/spoiler]
this game lasted longer than most. 5 months and people are sitll actively playing it. thats an accomplishment in itself.
I've had these exact same conversations with my friends. It's all true.
I'm not even looking forward to House of Wolves anymore. Tired of rehashed materials and reversed maps counting as new strikes.
This article is 100% spot on. I've reduced my time spent on Destiny (including skipping finishing crota hard on any of my 3 characters last week) and found myself exploring new games and doing more of other things I enjoy like watching NHL hockey. We need some greater sense of achievement out of this game in order to keep it interesting. That being said, I'll continue hopping on from time to time to run my weekly's or part of crota raid. It just won't be at the same expense of time I previously dedicated.
The lack of content is one thing but for me personally what breaks it is the incredibly failed reward system this game offers. All you can do is grind and grind and grind hoping to get lucky with RNG but in reality you'll only get kicked in the nuts over and over. Grind strikes and all you get is a ton of blue items, maybe a legendary engram in 10 strikes and well lets not even start about exotics as that's only 1% change to get lucky with RNG. Take all your engrams to the cryptarch which turns your legendaries into crap and further insults you by giving 2 blue engrams about each rankup. Seeing that 0.1 kdr guy in crucible get ghorn or see afk'ers in strikes get legendaries and exotics makes all hope sink into your shoes. When the weekend comes all your hope and joy is once again ran into the ground when Xur turns up with utter crap and repeat sales. Nightfalls rewarding shards to level 30+ players? Damn that's just stupid. I myself wonder what my incentive is to keep playing, just to get lucky with the crappy RNG system which deep inside you know won't happen? Sooner or later people will just simply give up on that. Bungie just seems completly blind to what is going on. Only trivial shit gets fixed nobody cares about while they tell everyone that this is how they intend the game to be played... Really Bungie do you intend the game to be played by afk'ers or people leaving strikes? Bungie just seems completly uninterested to fix real issues with this game. How hard is it to introduce some new bounties, some new events just to spice things up a little bit and give players some incentive to play for?
Scrub writer cannot beat HM crota, therefore his opinion is moot.
Nailed it. Almost everything he said resonated with me.
"people who have put hundreds of hours into the game are finding that, for a variety of reasons, they're losing the motivation to play." Taken from the article. No shit. Hundreds of hours is a long freaking time to play a video game. The Last of Us is considered one of the best video games of all time, if not the best by some. It takes what, 25-30 hours to complete? And it has basically no replay value. If you put hundreds of hours into this game, and are finding yourself burning out, I say no shit. Consider it money well spent, and move on to a new game. Pick it up later if you want to or not, no one really cares.
"All and all it's just another brick in The Wall."
Edited by loboloco: 2/10/2015 10:54:13 PMI appreciate your classiness and the majority of other post-ers contribution to the discussion. I loved Destiny when it started, got rubbed the wrong way with the DLC and felt terrible for buying it (all my friends played it at the time). Then once friends stopped appearing regularly and soon dropped off entirely I found little incentive to continue playing. However between the CoD elitists, Tryhard 32's, and the head-in-the-sand apologists I wonder to myself what I was really trying to accomplish by forcing myself through the last few weeks of the game. The Dev's don't care, the majority of the community is toxic, and the gameplay- although having immense potential- is a complete waste with the management controlling it. Sure, Bungie may have my money, but that didn't stop me from selling the game for a PSN card and getting a running start on a game-that-shall-not-be-named because I don't want to start a fight.
Solid article. Hits right where I've been for atleast a month. No motivation. Maybe HoW will be better...
This is a well-written article. Having just "hit the wall" myself within the last few days, it really resonates with me. A friend and I were playing last night and he had come to the same conclusion as I had. That is: no more grinding. In fact we may be setting aside Destiny altogether until HoW. At that point I will certainly look at the latest DLC with a more critical eye. A person's most precious commodity is time and at this point it is clear that Bungie does not respect our time. Are you listening, Bungie?
Ok just read this WHOLE article and he is 110% correct on every note.
D2: Time Wasting Simulator - old
This is the first post I read after reading Bungie's latest Tweet about the new 2 vs 2 mode in PVP. I don't get why a game with so much emphasis on PVE isn't doing more to keep people playing. Why not bring back the Queen with some nice 36 light armor or new weapons? I too love Destiny but they are losing players and I hate to see that happen. -
I've started playing much more PVP to counter my burnout, will see how long that lasts. Good article with valid points. I hope the Bungie higher-ups read it & listen.
This has everything. They might even read it and listen or maybe even comment some it's on a big news site. I can't say much other then "i agree with everything he just wrote" And i too am missing that one gun and 1 gear. Cheers
This article hits damn near every valid point. I still love destiny and I don't see myself quitting it anytime soon but bungie seriously need to read and LISTEN to articles like this if they want this game to succeed.
Read it all, can't help but agree
Great article. Destiny when it's great, it's REALLY great. Get a good skilled team together that communicates and knows what they are doing, strikes and raids in particular are awesome. Also when an exotic piece of loot drops that you want it's a really great feeling of accomplishment if you get it in a raid. However, both of these instances seem to be getting rarer. Most of the experienced and skilled players have moved on, so using lfg to get a raid together is an exercise in futility. Also the frankly broken rng loot system pushes many players too far. I have had nothing but ascendant materials and strange coins for weeks now from nightfalls. To make matters worse, the weekly Santa that is xur hasn't brought anything I have actually wanted in months. I used to rump on Friday mornings excited. Now I just view the xur thread on reddit and sigh with annoyance. Also, bungie being fast to fix glitches that help players, but when it comes to game breaking wipe inducing glitches that kill guardians all the time, they ignore them. I love the game, but I think I love my memories of playing it more than my desire to play much more.
The problem isn't the game, the problem is the mentality of this generation's gamers. They don't want an enjoyable experience, they want an unhealthy addiction. If you feel like you NEED to do something every single night for 5 months even when you're not enjoying it that's a serious behavioral problem. The article is talking about not enough 'carrots' referring to a carrot on a stick, a reward you keep working towards while it's held slightly out of reach. That is NOT an enjoyable experience, but modern gamers have been trained to NEED it. Long gone are the days of Super Mario or Tetris (a game that literally never even ended. No end, no reward, just harder and harder stages) where the experience was the reward, now you've been trained to do something you hate out of the slim chance that you'll get a trinket that triggers a dopamine release so you think you did something good. Good job, you've gained a literal addiction and lash out when it's not giving you a bigger and bigger high fast enough to compensate for tolerance. The author of this article is literally addicted as are many players here. That's why those people raging and claiming they'll quit never do. They're lashing out because they're in withdrawal.
I've spent more hours on this game than any other in the last few years (not since Halo 3, probably). Am I getting burnt out? Sure. But after this much time, who wouldn't be? Still much more entertainment given than anything else outside of gaming could provide for the same price. Games don't have to provide literal endless hours of entertainment to be considered a success. Otherwise, singleplayer games with great stories would be considered failures.
This article is written by a scrub. Someone who is obviously not very good at this game. Hard mode crota is a joke now. I can see that some people are getting burned out by frustration because they just aren't good at this game. I wish people would understand that it's not the glitches in hard mode that are killing you, but the fact that you suck at this game. So much whining and butt hurt. It all reads "oh I hate this game because I can't beat hard mode and don't have the gear I want, therefore this game was never any good." Wtf. Go play Fifa and stfu.
Spot on article. Destiny is now only playable on Tuesdays and barely at that. Hopefully Bungie isn't a complete slave to Activision and can find a way to give us more.
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