Are there any item descriptions you think are creepy? Here are mine:
[b]Voidfang Vestments[/b]
"YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE" -Scratched behind a buckle
"Eternity is close. Can you feel yourself slipping?"
[b]Eidolon Ally[/b]
"We thought it was inanimate but it had grown... changed. Ghost refuses to analyze it further but I secretly think it has become my friend."
And just for laughs...
[b]I PROTEST[/b]
Keep repeating those to yourself and night....
EDIT 1: Thanks for all the great stuff, we even got DeeJ on this!
EDIT 2: Wow, you guys love DeeJ.
" I didn't get shot. I never get shot. I body-slammed a missile.
Necro bump
A good survival cape has all sorts of uses. Hull patch, tourniquet...picnic blanket.
Praedyth's Revenge is pretty creepy...
I don't het the punch line of most of these weird descriptions.
You are my hero I love cqta
Edited by Toometh: 5/30/2015 12:42:28 AMMine are : [b]Voidfang Vestments[/b]-[i]YOU WILL DREAM OF TEETH AND NOTHING ELSE to-Scratched behind a buckle.[/i] [b]Super Pox VLO[/b]- [i]Found in a null-g hangar,alongside 14 limbless and decapitated Fallen corpses.[/i] [b]Bad Juju[/b]-[i]If you believe your weapon wants to murder all of existence, then it will.-Toland the Shattered[/i] [b]Red Death-[/b][i]Vanguard Policy urges guardians to destroy this weapon on sight. It is a Guardian killer.[/i] [b]Vision of Confluence-[/b][i]What you have seen will mark you forever. [/i] [b]Praetorian Foil-[/b][i]Erase the Future. [/i] [b]Praedyth's Revenge-[/b][i]Praedyth's fall isn't over yet-because it hasn't happened yet-and it will happen again.[/i] [b]Praedyths Timepiece-[/b][i]He skipped like a stone on time's ocean. [/i] [b]The Ram-[/b][i]...PRAISE ME...[/i](such creepy looks on it. I luv it. ) [b]Black Hammer-[/b][i]I cannot permit you to exist. [/i] [b]Hunger of Crota-[/b][i]Would you defy me?I am the eater hope. [/i] [b]Kabr's Wrath-[/b][i]I fell asleep in the armour last night. I awoke to my heart beating to an unknown rhythm. [/i]
This one gives me chills: Old vanguard pulse rifle [i]Found in a null-g hangar along side 14 limbless and decapitated fallen corpses[/i]
[b]Word of Crota:[/b] There was life, and He spoke unto it; and it was silent, and lived no more
Deathsinger's Gaze: "the unnerving awareness of the watcher being watched". Creeps me out.
Bump to bring it back
Edited by Flame V Shadow: 2/25/2015 2:56:40 AMIcebreakers one is insane Please replace these components if use causes fatal damage: HEAT SINK, MAGAZINE, OPERATOR Change the fckin user of the gun and never let him use it again Thats freakin crazy I also like hunger of crota's Would you defy Me? I am the eater of hope
My favorite is the black hammer's [i]I cannot permit you to exist.[/i]
I love the one for Black Hammer. It's creepy and awesome at the same time. [i]"I cannot permit you to exist."[/i]
I can't remembered which chest piece it is but it goes sorta like this [i] I fell asleep in the armor last night. I awoke to my heart beating to an unknown rhythm[/i] Super creepy in my opinion
More funny than creepy how to clear mines step on mine #1 await ghost revival step on mine #2 await ghost revival step on mine...
"give me your arm oh bearer mine, let me help you fill the world with teeth". I think that's young Ahamkara's spine, hunter gauntlets "Reality is the finest flesh oh bearer mine, and are you not... Hungry?" The skull of dire Ahamkara, Warlock helmet.
It's not creepy but made me laugh The sun in your face wind in your hair and bodies piled at your feet. Perfection
Not exactly creepy but.. "And with the lone strength of the titan Vell Tarlowe, we felt invincible." Chills.
Super POX VLO (Old vanguard uber high impact pulse rifle) "Found in a null-g hangar, drifting alongside fourteen limbless and decapitated Fallen corpses"
"How does it feel to land a six-meter jump in full armor? That depends who you're landing on." :P
"It's seen things you wouldn't believe, and killed them to."