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2/11/2015 12:45:40 AM

Lack of content, chasing the same old carrot, doing the same things over and over.. has nothing to do with whether he's any good or not. Being good has nothing to do with having a perfect run on Crota, only to have the swordbearer run into the ogre room not once, but twice. It has nothing to do with having a perfect run, then the sword bearer dies because Crota doesn't kneel when his shield is down, or the sword drops and disappears, or disappears too quickly. Frankly, Crota is boring. If you have the timing, all you need is a decent sword runner and a lack of a glitch that wipes the fireteam, Crota is cake and hardly presents a challenge. 90% of defeating Crota is the quality of the Sword runner and being lucky enough to avoid the arbitrary glitches. Being able to beat him is no indication of the quality of the player.

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