The only problem with that is that I'm going to be underleveled for the next DLC, despite 500 hours of play time, because your level is gear-based, not xp based.
So either Bungie offers 32 vanguard gear with HoW, or I'm forced to grind Crota.
Both of those options really suck.
Then again, they could do more quests like Eris' urn quest. That was a well-designed addition to the game and gave a purpose to patrols, farming, etc.
I'm cool with that. In fact, I hope they do more stuff like that.
well they probably will offer 32/33 vanguard gear otherwise just hope back on for a crota run or 2 and leave it at that.
Woof. Here's hoping I can buy my way to 32, but with the backlash from TDB, I'm not sure.
if they made it 31/32 there, would be no point and people will riot about lack of content applicable to them (ala Queens Wrath). but with 33, they will riot about content making old raid obsolete. so they are doomed for backlash either way.