It's a mark that you are no good if you can't beat it. What are all these glitches people talk about, I've seen a few of them but I guess people have crappy internet connections. Every bug I've heard about is netcode and lag related and fixable by changing hosts (granted this takes some basic knowledge of the game, which is asking a lot of the general playing population).
I still believe people claim "bugs and glitches" because they lack the skill and firepower to clear the game. I've even heard people saying the swordbearer hiding and running around is a glitch, it's not. You need people on your team with good sniper rifles and the ability to hit head shots.
The simple fact is, some people are not skilled enough to do hard mode, they get nervous and anxious and choke, just like in their real lives. They are chokers.
Edited by Ez: 2/11/2015 5:47:11 PMNot really. It's a mark that[i] someone[/i] on the fireteam may be a bit lacking. 1 guy cannot ensure success, but 1 can certainly prevent it. As far as lag, gamers shouldn't have to know how to solve the issue. There's no reason the code can't include a latency check and simply prevent someone with a terrible connection from hosting. This is mainstream console gaming meant for the masses (ie casual gamers); this is not back in the days when only hardcore pc gamers played and you had to be "knowledgeable". Hell, I design, deploy, and maintain large networks and I don't know the specifics of Destiny's net code, nor do I care to. I just want to log in and play. Still, the entire point is that "skill" has nothing to do with lack of things to do in a game. I've cleared hm CE plenty of times, and I still agree with pretty much every thing he said. What I didn't agree with, I can still understand his point of view.