Seriously Bungie, you know how much we love to pit premade teams against each other in PvP. Could we get the private matches Deej promised to continue bringing up until you added them? It's fun owning noobs in the crucible but we would like to be able to pit our best fireteams against each other.
Maybe add a clan versus clan? We could call it Destiny Wars!! It's cool that you support the PvE aspect of clans by seeing who can complete raids first, and the fastest but those of us who get off on dominating opponents who actually incorporate strategy and react to there opponents' need more. Moarrrr eye say.
Edit- The Slaughter Rules makes this more of a necessity! How many games will my premade fireteam dissolve because we whoop up on randoms, way to take the fun away from good fireteams in the crucible...
this post says everything