This post is b8 gr8 for r8 because of the r8 OP may wanna gl and masturb8 so he can handle w8 and may wanna tr8 and have f8 in his b8 so im gonna r8 8/8
Edit: i forgot to Ask op is he wanna d8 before we masturb8 so i meet you at the g8 m8 if u come l8 i r8 m8 so may remember this d8 we mete at s8 & w8 at 8:88 tod8
You're a cool guy.
The -blam!-k did I just read
Look at the posters name that alone tells you they are an idiot.
Agreed. Dafuq?
It's funny I'm pretty sure I passed you on patrol recently, the name stood out to me and gave me a laugh.
Lol. Probably. I'm always on patrol when I'm bored. And most folks do find it funny. Also helps ease tense moment during the raid when somebody will say "go to the right with your dad". Then everybody cracks up. Lol.