I just wanted to my word out and say that I will be kicking anyone in my fire team that uses this "gally"-trash. It looks dumb and is maybe the biggest crutch for anyone. I will also be reporting anyone who uses it in crucible. It is a trash weapon and needs to be nerfed to the point to where it's wolf pack rounds are no use.
Edit 1: I would like to thank you all for the support you guys have been giving this thread.
Edit 2: Wow even more support! Thanks everyone ^~^ but if this thread gets around 400 comments I'll post a selfie ;3
Edit 3: Thank you everyone, we will show these Gally scrubs that their precious weapon is a huge crutch and they will be banned...here's link to another weapon that people should banned for using
Edit 4: 700 comments...Wow with this many people supporting the nerf of the gally, it'll probably be nerfed by the patch! Keep up the great work everyone ^w^
"The Gally is just another tool of oppression created by the Patriarchy. Creating gender inequality among female gamers. Making women have to rely on members of the white male patriarchy to be able to complete raids" -NemesisEP
I have a pretty cool cat. His name is Norton
I don't even have the gjallarhorn but I definitely support the existence of the launcher as it is now. It shouldn't be nerfed - yes, it is definitely annoying when people go elitist simply bc they have a gally but that's no reason to nerf it. People just need to fix their attitudes towards it
I have a dog and two cats. They love cuddles.
Edited by BATTLE FRAGGLE: 2/11/2015 9:12:09 PMI see you sent off your jabba the hut audition picture. #neckfoldsftw
I have 2 hunting dogs. One took 2 years to find a breeder in the u.s
This post is now about pets. What kinda pet do you have? What is your favorite pet?
Everyone that says this, doesn't have it. If I want to use it, then I will. Why not use a gun that makes my gameplay easier?
I have a pet dog, she's pretty neat.
Good man.
I have a nice dog.
Their is a word for people like u and its douchebag
Edited by NixLuck: 2/11/2015 9:06:32 PMI have a pet dog and a pet cat named sparkles diamond :).
What's with the feminism and men are pigs tags?
Gosh I love pets.
One of my friends has a pet cat. It's a nice cat, and it likes to be petted.
My friend has 2 pet dogs! They are like pet siblings now.
Of course the guy who wrote this doesn't have the Gally. Don't hate on a gun so much that you haven't even used. Just because it's good doesn't mean it's a crutch, it's a heavy rocket launcher I'm pretty sure that it doesn't define if you're good or bad. People like you ruin the destiny community. I don't have it either but you don't see me complaining about it, it's extremely helpful when teammates have it. Rant over
I also have pet fish. They are good at swimming.
I have a pet dog. She is very sweet and likes to cuddle.
Keep on using jelly if that's what u want to do
Reported for using it in crucible?!? Lol There are much better launchers for PvP - so they are doing you a favour if they are using it.
They hate us cause they anus (:
Huh? You can't make this post if you use Hunger Of Crota, or Truth.
Ure mad cuz u dont have it