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Edited by Shiba: 6/24/2015 1:12:30 AM

To anyone who uses the gally

I just wanted to my word out and say that I will be kicking anyone in my fire team that uses this "gally"-trash. It looks dumb and is maybe the biggest crutch for anyone. I will also be reporting anyone who uses it in crucible. It is a trash weapon and needs to be nerfed to the point to where it's wolf pack rounds are no use. Edit 1: I would like to thank you all for the support you guys have been giving this thread. Edit 2: Wow even more support! Thanks everyone ^~^ but if this thread gets around 400 comments I'll post a selfie ;3 Edit 3: Thank you everyone, we will show these Gally scrubs that their precious weapon is a huge crutch and they will be's link to another weapon that people should banned for using [spoiler][url][/url][/spoiler] Edit 4: 700 comments...Wow with this many people supporting the nerf of the gally, it'll probably be nerfed by the patch! Keep up the great work everyone ^w^ "The Gally is just another tool of oppression created by the Patriarchy. Creating gender inequality among female gamers. Making women have to rely on members of the white male patriarchy to be able to complete raids" -NemesisEP

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    is in orbit - 2/5/2025 1:42:36 AM

    That rocket launcher is the best imo lol i have one report me lol i can do great deeds without it. i dont use it in pvp when i can use the vex. the gally is a boss killer and now the black hammer is as well lol you can kill the tank in the devils lair without reloading it. im just going to say that you are upset because someone kicked you from a party for not having it or you got killed by it when there was a rocket launcher bounty lol. well i dont need to explain myself farther i have nothing to prove to you lol Have a nice day sir and i hope they find the solution to your sourness. X_KillaBryce_X

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