bad juju is a class gun with the warlock with void walker obsidian mind and is just going to get alot better when the update comes so dont be makeing silly assed comments when u dont know what u are talking about
Well you and all 7 other noobs can continue to use that void walker nonsense with that crap gun. Had it...broke it's a joke weapon
U will find that u r the noob young grasshopper with two 31 and a 29 catch yourself on fool lol
Lol cute....too bad I don't have my gear equipped. That's ok tho. Nice try.
then be a big man and equip it r stop running your mouth off so know ur roll and shut ur mouth lol friendly banter
Lol army life takes precedence. At work still. Add me if you're on xbox one. We can run some stuff
cool lad put im on ps4
Noobs he says..
bushyfillyz calls people noobs with his two 31 and one 29 lol