I'm not religious, and I'm curious as to why some of you believe in a god. Anything interesting, and or compelling, please post. ( all points of view are fine)
Without god there is no final, absolute truth in the world. Really, if there is no god, why are we even here? Why don't we all just go out and lie, cheat, and steal our way through life? We should be as sneaky as possible and use others as stepping stones for our own success, oppress the poor and only have sex with people to satisfy our own selfish desires. If a woman get pregnant, there's no commitment right? Just dump her and who cares about the baby? Why bother caring about anyone? You see god and religion teach us that there is a better way and they have done that since the beginning. The devil incessantly has tried to tempt mankind with the "easier way" of sin and selfishness. The devil says there's no life after death, so let's all eat, drink and be merry right? For tomorrow we die and we might as well get as much pleasure while we can. What a load of bull. God's way teaches cooperation with others, mercy, dedication to family and children, and YES sexual fidelity and chastity before marriage. This is the "difficult path" but you will find that if you follow it life can be a heaven on earth. You form connections that are eternal, your legacy becomes eternal, and you will be truly happy forever, not just feeling pleasure for a time.