Anybody and I mean ANYBODY will switch to thorn or last word/plan c when losing. Supers should NOT be in this playlist. I lost a win before because apparently a stupid bladedancer did not die from a direct nova bomb to the face. It is so frustrating to be wiped out by a random super in a playlist that is supposed to be about teamwork. GET RID of blink and shotgun, I mean wow. This is just the pinnacle of shit game design.
If you are a hunter with blink and shotgun, I will ignore you. If you use thorn or last word or any type of OP weapon, I will ignore you. I am dead serious. How can Bungie release a super popular playlist from halo and shit on it? I mean come on; doubles in destiny is an absolute joke. From the small bit of it I played, I always get matched up with hunters using either blink and shotgun, bladedancer, panic gun, and thorn/the last word. BAN switching weapons in doubles. If someone chooses to start with a weapon and are fooling around with it and then just switch to thorn, they should risk eviction. This is shit game design, bungie, and you people know it. As someone who actually wants to see doubles survive, give us the balance patch date in the update tomorrow
Too many tears to collect.