I think he really hit the nail on the head with Xur when he discussed the heavy ammo glitch. It IS a big deal. It's directly targeted at CE. Bungie says it's difficult to fix (I believe them). The simple solution is to have Xur sell heavy ammo.
Bungie's reply is "we don't control Xur." (I don't believe them.) Even if true, this translates to one of two phrases:
1) We [b]can't[/b] control Xur.
2) We [b]won't[/b] control Xur.
Anyone who believes it's option 1, message me; I have a bridge for sale.
This leads into bungie's horrible decision making with their updates. They have the time to study the numbers and tweak auto rifle damage by a couple of percent but they don't have the time to fix the crota glitches? Seriously? Not even an acknowledgement that they're working on it?
I normally have 10 to 12 friends on in the evenings. Last night I had two. I won't be on tonight. I might pop in this weekend if Xur is selling something decent. The burnout is real.
I'm with u on option 2