I have run the normal raid every week on 2-3 characters since it's release and I still have not -blam!-ing got this rocket launcher. It took me two hard raids on two different characters to get all the primary raid weapons and the crux, yet on normal this rocket just won't seem to drop for me! Seriously hating this shit. Already run the normal raid on all my characters this week and just a swordbreaker and song of ir yut. Every God damn time. I just want to not have to use my exotic slot for my Gally so I can use my hawkmoon and not have a shitty ass hezen vengeance as my main rocket launcher :(
Is there a weapon from the raid that you guys are having trouble with getting it to drop? Feel free to rant and go crazy on this post. Or feel free to boast and say how easy it was for you to get the hunger just to rub it in. Kgo.
Still haven't got oversoul edict or crux