originally posted in:PS3 Raiding Raiders
Feel free to ask for help. Just be specific as to what level you are, what you are playing, if you have a check point or not, or if you require mics. Happy Raiding!
hi every one i am wispa,s friend and i would thank all of you and the admin if they let me in your clan please and i have a ps3 you all can check that i am wispas ps3 friend sincerely : RWBYROSE_blake
Hi my name is Michael, I've been playing a while but can't find a raid team for oryx, I'd love some help to form a team, I use my Hunter at level 40 with light level of 300, I have a mic and I am enthusiastic about helping out, please add me on Mike4425-JS
I'm a level 32 warlock with a Crota save on hard and if anyone wants a try at it let me know. It would be nice if someone here has a gorgon chest save I could use for my hunter also. Psn: rgrays
Lvl 32 warlock lf end game raiding group an others ppl to learn from, just started playing game 2wks. Im a quick learner ready to do wat ever it takes .
Could I join? I main a Titan. (Lvl 34 - I have two lvl 34 toons, and the other is lvl 32 - I have experience in both raids and do well in both of them. - I have a mic - Currently seeking a great team to beat Skolas
Could I join the Clan?? Level 33 Warlock, 31 Hunter and level 12 Titan
Hi! Level 31 Hunter, experienced in Nightfall and weekly strikes. I have only played VoG on Normal, would like to try Hard mode sometime and Crotas End I have Mic, and i´m in +1 GMT :D
Level 26 Warlock looking for help for vault of glass, mics would be nice to communicate seeing I've never done the raid before. Would be real nice to get some help. Usually on 4-9 central time zone.
Edited by EPIKAC: 3/12/2015 4:57:04 AMPsn: Epikac Lv 26 warlock struggling to get stuff by myself. Would love to do weekly raids/strikes etc. adult with mic I'm usually on every nite 10-12pm PST
PSN=amst40 Level=31 Titan defender (maxed out) Please invite me to crota end raids or anything bc I am bored farming
PSN: MineMeep09 Lvl 28 Hunter Gun Slinger I need experienced players to help me with Vault of Glass normal plz. No mic is required, but is recommended.
Reason: vault of glass help PSN: sgtlukas243 Class: Hunter light level 26 Subclass: blade dancer No mic required
I have all three characters at level 31 looking to make them 32 I have mic
I am a warlock with maxed sunsinger and voidwalker lvl 30 (almost 31) I have a mic as well and a decency of experience in VOG and Crota's End. I need help in Crota's End every weekly reset and also a VOG hard if possible. Thank you!
Edited by SIETMAN: 3/4/2015 11:41:59 AMTitan level 25 have mic tag is SIETMAN wanna do vault of glass raid!
Hello i need help on Crotas end, im a level 29 hunter with no mic and my gamertag is kill-for-blaze thanks
I am Titan level 26 and I have a mic. Looking to do the Vault of Glass raid soon. I am in the Central Time Zone, so feel free to tell me what time you guys are free. Monday-Friday, I am free from 3:00 pm-8:30 pm.
I have two titans lvl 31 and 31 I'm experienced in VOG and trying to get the hang of Croat I've done it a little bit but I'm still new to Croat kinda. I have a mic but only at my dads house I'm 14yrs old and saving up for another one for my moms house. NinjaBreaker_373 hit me up
Hunter lvl 26 i need help in raids im almost leveling up just need some ascendant shards. Experienced 2 raids already.
My a warlock level 30 and have a mic
Edited by killerkeller11: 2/28/2015 7:36:25 PMLevel 31 Titan experienced with both raids and mic
Two lvl 32 hunters great ass sword bearer and I have a mic fully throughout
Level 28 hunter, I have a mic, I need help on VOG, I've already gone past the Templar and the gorgon's labyrinth
Level 31 warlock and level 28 hunter
Darlohaymer hunter 30, no mic, not experienced on raid, uk time usually on afternoons and weekends
Darlohaymer hunter 30, no mic, not experienced on raid