Here I am, a 27 year old, father of two amazing children, Mechanical Engineer working 50 hours a week.
I enjoy the limited time that I get to play destiny. It's my decompression time.
Last nigh I get online after the kids lay down for bed, and see 5 friends in Crota's Hard mode raid, I get an invite as soon as I log in. "YESSS!!" - I think to myself, because I still don't have the Word of Crota (the only gun I actually want from the HM raid). They are at the beginning of the raid, but we quickly fly through the first few sections.
We get to Crota, it is about 11:30pm at this time, and I usually aim to be in bed by 12:00am to get enough sleep to be functional at work. We have taken him down first try in the past, but tonight was a bit different. Our sword bearer was having issues going invisible with the Melee, and we died... A lot. To no fault of his own, things just seemed a bit glitchy (which of course never happens in Destiny I know).
A few heavy ammo synthesis later, around 12:30am, we get things right. We FINALLY had a good run. We take out the ogres no problem, we all survive the run back inside the safety of the building to set ourselves up for the last sword run.
Then it happened... I'm looking around, making sure we are all safe and together before we run out. One friend was running aimlessly at the wall; another was standing completely still next to the door... "What's the game plan here guys?" I said in my confusion...
Black screen... "You have been disconnected"... WHA?
Crap, maybe I can hop back in before they finish him off...
NOPE, No Destiny, No X-box Live. Had to restart my X-box, and alas, they finished him off without me.
When I restarted Destiny, there was an update being applied to the game... Did I get booted for the update? Or did my interwebs just crap out on me.
Thanks for listening to my story. Good day to you guardian.
Word of Crota has been acquired. Time to go start a real estate business. Fish no longer being punched.
Dude. That sucks! If it makes you feel any better my clan was going for flawless raider and during atheon my friend got kicked to orbit.