Title says it all, killed him before ogres! The entire fight from start to finish took 3 Minutes and 5 seconds. After scouting YouTube i am yet to see a video with it done faster than this! Please feel free to educate me if I am mistaken. I think I could have done this faster, and will attempt to if there's any call for it to happen.
I used Titan, but I see no reason why any other class can't do this! (although hunters may struggle with the jump up to Crota when he's on the side, stairs should be fine though, just beware of the boomers)
Next on my list is to do this without Gjallarhorn, and then maybe attempt Hard mode solo.
It took me 8 hours of constant attempts to get the perfect run, for those who like this and want more, please leave some feedback, it is much appreciated!
I could have done this a lot sooner utilising the heavy ammo glitch, I did not want to do this as I wanted to keep it as legit as I can. This is something I stuck to throughout the process of making this video, this is also why didn't glitch out of the first room, I wanted a clean, legit, glitch free, cheese free & fast run!
Way too much heavy ammo synthesis was hurt in the making of this video.
I'll try to top it later until I run out of heavy synthesis. ;)