What's up with everyone being ungrateful little shits when it comes to xur.. you know xur could just not be there every week so you can buy stuff from him? Stop crying. Maybe people that weren't able to get the icebreaker are happy as hell. I for one am happy with xur inventory this week. Rant done.
Edit: he's also selling great armor people want. Thanks for the feedback everyone 50+ replies. We obviously know that we need heavy ammo.
Edited by Stark: 2/13/2015 8:26:55 PMTo all the idiots that are replying to this post saying to go earn your heavy synth and grind for an hour or whatever. Well I'd like to spend the 300 strange coins that I grinded for in weekly heroic strikes. I'm not gonna go spend an hour killing things repeatedly for glimmer when I have over 1000 hours on this game. Xur has the cheapest heavy synth so why would spend all this time to glimmer farm with a cap to get 25 synths. That's stupid. I can get that much in 5 seconds from xur. So I say you guys stop bitching and crying about the people that have been waiting for heavy synth for the past month