Is it just me, or recently are all these christmas noobs posting on lfg as 30/31s and turning VoG HM into a shit fest.
I mean come on everyone. It is called a "SUPER". Your most powerful move. You ever wonder why your super charges so fast in the shield? Because bungie wanted you to use them. If everyone used their super. Atheon goes down IN 10 SECONDS. Ghorn is ok to use, if you are a defender. And if you have a double gernade perk. Use those first.
I swear these new guys. Thinking you need blackhammer. We did that shit for months with out it!
But I digress. Stop using your guns during times vengence. Supers only
Second edit: Seriously guys. I am 100% not TROLLING. THIS IS THE TRUTH. I AM TRYING TO HELP NEW PEOPLE
Third edit: Because all you noobs are too dumb. Here is a test.
Shoot a captain with a one sniper bullet. Does he die? No. Use one super on same captain. He dies. Why? Because the super is stronger. Now Time's Vengence multiples total damage out put. So why not multiple your strongest attack. You all just need to think about it and stop being so stupid.
Edit 4: Seriously everyone? Still don't believe me, well fine. Here, I recorded my fire team and I using supers only. Here the video. THIS IS PROOF IT WORKS.
Edit 5: Final edit. Everyone, accept it. This method is the best. All your icebreaker and blackhammer pale in comparison. SUPERS ARE THE BEST WAY TO KILL HIM.
JLanderos, not a troll. A community guide
Yes, use throwing knives!
You funny
HERES A TIP I have the grimiore card for over 50 completions check for yourself. Fire Rockets from inside the cleanse bubble. Kills the idiot everytime. Like that idiot didnt stand a chance.
Edited by H4NDGREN4DE: 2/14/2015 12:21:25 AMDo you even know what digress means? Because you never changed the subject...just sayin' Anyway, guns are an efficient way of killing atheon while staying safe in the cleanse bubble. Atleast with your primary and secondary you are. I will agree with you on the fact that throwing your grenade at Atheon on the initial attack is a good idea.
He's not bullshitting. Didn't you guys see the video of titans and hunters killing atheon without guns? Or 6 titans beating crota to death? Git gud scrubs
You might be the dumbest person on the entire internet.
cant tell if troll or stupid...
Should I use my feet to use my controller too. God sometimes you think you're doing something the right way...
But golden gun... :(
Your stupid
10/4 I'll bring my bag of hammers next time!! Mario Bros FTW!
Don't know if troll or just mega-noob....
I really hope this kid is kidding..
supers? pfft, shoulder charge that dick.
Gunslinger does 1500ish per shot against atheon. Snipers do 15000. Proof in pudding
Edited by TuPoPz: 2/13/2015 11:57:51 PMTelling ppl not to use guns to kill atheon is like me telling you to stop using your controller to play Xbox/ps4 Edit: I AM NOT TROLLING
Waste of time on this post
These, 'why don't you play like I want you too!' cry baby posts are truly sad.
All you need is 2 Titans with fist of havoc. No more atheon
Not trolling? Go try using a super on atheon and then sniping his g spot and post the results. You are obviously new to the raid otherwise you wouldn't be giving such crap advice. Fact: Golden gun = roughly 1,200 dmg per shot Icebreaker, black hammer, patience and time...etc = 14,000+ dmg per shot and fires faster. That's not even considering weapons of light. Just go away, everyone hates a troll...and even worse...butt hurt trolls that don't know they are trolls #delusional
Are you being serious right now? It's kinda sad when I still see people use golden gun over and over and not realize that they're doing no damage
Edited by b e a n: 2/14/2015 12:11:14 AMSTOP USING YOUR HIGH TECH WEAPONRY! THROW [b][i]ALL[/i][/b](!)THE ROCKS!
retarded post
Pretty sure you forgot the satire tag...
Just when you think the forums couldn't get any dumber. Lol well played sir.
You're suggesting a Hunter should use his Golden Gun on Atheon rather than his Heavy Weapon......... Please think about what you're saying, a team shooting rockets is far more effective during times vengeance than people using various supers.