It seems like very few of us PS3 players have a mic. So if you have a mic and you are LFG post here.
Psn: Kaotic859
Anyone down to do VOG on hard? I'm 32 Titan
Need to finish VOG on hard add T1tans22 if interested
Lvl 28 hunter, never done raid before. Would very much like to. Got mic and exp w/ nightfall and solo nightfall. If youre willing to help please add, psn is same. Also looking to do weekly heroic
Looking for 3 more to join in crota from witch cp. If you have crota we are happy to do it from there. Mics essential. Add the name above
anyone looking to do crotas end on hard? any checkpoint doesnt matter to me , level 32 warlock just add me, maxed gjallahorn my psn: oGenocidee-
Please check out my main profile page. From there you can access our clan Flying Lotus. Our Destiny Clan accepts any applicants who could use more team support in-game.
Vog normal with my lvl 27 Titan? I have a lvl 31 hunter but I've beaten everything with him besides CE on hard. Add me if you're interested. PSN: DaTruth903
Ok so i need 3 coins to get my 1st exotic but i need help on lv 28 weekly the thing is im lv 26 1/2 lol pls help i want my 1st exotic
31 warlock with xp looking for atheon cp on hard? Comment psn
Hey i came into destiny late this week and I need help with the nightfall and the weekly heroic strike. Add me at Thatawesomeguy45
Need 2 for xyor bounty ( for thorn ), please have a mic - JayKiiiz
2 looking for atheon cp hard both jave mics r3dd3mon343
Need one more for nightfall 30+ add me. Psn: TheFallenTitan_
Im a 31 warlock with gjallahorn looking to do hard vog. Any takers?
Searching for someone with crota cp normal that is willing/has patience for someone that is trying to learn how to be swordbearer
I have Crota CP on hard. I'm looking for 5 lvl 32's with experience and mic to help complete it. Add Crazy-Cadoo if you're interested.
Edited by johnston1101: 2/15/2015 9:10:57 PMNeed 1 for Vog Normal Add johnston1101 have a mic and xp.
2 Level 30 warlocks and level 29 hunter need 3 more people for a vog on hard at atheon. Had a few people skimp on us. The sooner the better thanks add thed_classicolee on ps3
Looking for a group of 32s to do hard mode crota with, I'm a level 32 warlock with lots of experience, I have beaten him 10 times already, I don't have a checkpoint and I'm willing to start fresh but if you have a cp tell me, must have either fully upgraded icebreaker or gjallahorn, I know how to use the sword too, if interested send me a friend request my psn is the same as my user name but reply first thanks
Need two more for fresh crota hard. Add me if interested
Edited by ModernWarFrijole: 2/15/2015 8:54:24 PMIm a lvl 30 hunter and im willing to help helo anyone on on the vog raid from lvl 26 up just add me and let me no when your down for a raid Psn name: ModernWarFrijole
PSN: XeanousIV Im a level 29 hunter wanting to do the raids, weekly strike, or nightfall
Need 1 for Nightfall
Looking for 3 other people for a fresh Crotas End normal Need a hunter and warlock Lvl 30+ preferred If interested, add kmara26 WILL START CROTAS END IN ABOUT AN HOUR
Need 4 more for fresh crota normal 31+ only add TryUmph_KiLLz
Lv 26 Warlock Looking for Fresh Vog Normal. I have a Mic, Ice Breaker, tons of Xp. And I can use the relic. Add Johnston1101