If Im Reading This Correctly, According To Your Logic All Classes Should Use Their Supers At All Times During Times Vengeance? So A Bladedancer Hunter Or Striker Titan Should Just Run Up To Atheon
Probably Survive For Around 3 Seconds Only To Deal Roughly The Same Amount Of Damage As Opposed To Shooting Him From The Safety Of An Impenetrable Shield? Yeah I Think I'll Stick With My Black Hammer.
Yes, he means exactly that. Look up the video of that atheon kill
You should probably stop capitalizing the first letter of every word, makes you look like you're 14.
It's an issue with android phones. Deal with it
Lol chill
I'm as cool as a cucumber.
Well, I mean I could, but I don't know if I want to considering this is a forum for a video game and not a english lesson.
Lol don't stop because I said so. I've just only ever seen 14 year old kids do it.
No Offense But People Who Mindlessly Type 'Lol' I Consider Them With An Intellect Equivalent Of A 9 Year Old... Just Saying.
that shit looks retarded just stop
Deal With It.