Hey everyone. So today I got on destinylfg trying to get a raid group going. Well lets just say it didn't go to well and it seems like a pattern of late. Well I am tired of teaming with rando's and casuals when I need to do the raid in a certain amount of time. That is why I started this clan, for other members like me who want experienced players like themselves to group with. No 29s in a Hard VOG getting damage penalties. No more lvl 32 guardians grouping with under leveled weapons. Forget about it. Here at Sovereign Sect we are all about getting stuff done so we can move on to what we really want to do, or help others who need it. Since this isn't your run of the mill anyone can join clan, I do have a couple rules.
1. You have to be at least 18 years of age to join
2. Your main guardian has to be at least level 26 to join
3. Have at least a minimum Grimoire score of 1500
4. Have a good understanding of game mechanics and modes (crucible modes, strikes, raids)
5. Must maintain a mature attitude.
6. Have good equipment. (armor and weapons)
7. Have a mic
8. You have to have the Destiny Mobile app. (It's the fastest way to keep in touch with clan mates)
9. Must be active - If your on once a week you will probably get booted eventually. I'm looking for people to be on multiple times during the week!
So if you think you are up to snuff and meet all the requirements go ahead and click that link to join the group. Request to join the clan, and I'll take a look at your guardians and go from there to accept you into the clan or deny you. Remember guys and gals, I'm trying to group up some of the most elite players so we can get solid groups together!
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