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Edited by FreakingElite09: 2/14/2015 7:52:48 PM

TLW needs a tune up for PvE at least.

Clearly such a fun weapon was not intended only for PvP, or else it would not have high caliber rounds to stagger PvE opponents. 1. High rate of fire, LOW magazine size, LOW reload speed, VERY LOW range, LOWEST HC impact (aside from the TLW Perk which will be discussed) This gun is like a car that goes 0-60 in 4 secs with a top speed of 65, it's quickly passed by EVERYTHING. 2. Perks are negligible. a. Hip fire accuracy is unreliable for precision shooting. That's not acceptable for a weapon that is supposed to award precision, and the RoF doesn't not make up for it. It just means you'll be reloading more than everyone else. If it's not going to hit dead on every time, it's worthless for an HC. b. TLW perk still doesn't make up for the consistency of aiming down sights. If I can get 600 consistently and kill enemies with single shots, that will always be better than hitting enemies for 500 body and taking two hits, and 800 critical, that may or may not happen. Most people still aim down sights with TLW simply because it's STILL the better option, even when enemies are close. c. TLW perk doesn't always register even when you're dead on. With circle sight straight on the Archon's head, it still only registered body damage. Shots that should have been critical or a straight miss still only registered body damage 3. Range - All HCs are going to suffer range nerfs, but TLW can't afford that. It actually can't afford any nerf because the gun is so situational now, anything else will likely make it all but useless. I'm not sure how to tune it, but I"m willing to bet making the hip firing perks more reliable and damaging in PvE will be a good start. But the three areas in which it lacks are all well noted. Lots of folk in PvP might cry foul, but a magazine size increase wouldn't hurt. Most weapons with high fire rate and low impact (once again for a HC and the hip fire bonuses are unreliable even with increased stability) have at least a perk for increased magazine size.

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