originally posted in:Guardians Of The Stuff
Hey guys, my name is Benster_137 (On PSN) and I wanted to address some suggestions I have for the clan.
I don't know about you guys but one of the main reasons I join a clan is so that If I need to do a raid, I can join up with my fellow clan members and be confident that if we're gonna do VOG Hard or CE Hard we're gonna finish it. When you find a random group to join, get all the way to the boss but can't finish it, it's painful. But what's even more painful is when that happens with your clan members, hence this post.
What I'm suggesting to all the admins, is to do some raid runs with members of the clan, see who knows all the tips and tricks to a raid and see if they are also capable of holding there own or not. If they are, sketch them down as an Elite Raider!
What is that you ask?
Well for those that maybe do know all the tips and tricks but aren't skilled enough yet to hold their own, or vice versa. The Elite Raiders can do raids with those members and train/help them to become more skilled in the raids, whether that be suggesting weapons, showing what cheeses there are (I enjoy Pepper Jack), what class would be best for certain situations, giving tips, etc. However they can help them become a better raider. I know that can sound frustrating or annoying, but if their OUR clan Members, and most likely while they're in the clan we'll probably do a raid with them eventually, in the end it's for everyone's benefit.
Elite Crucible Players is a similar concept. However, besides just helping others with their crucible skills, if we know who in our clan is already really good at Crucible it's easier to put together a strong team. In my opinion one of the best feelings in Destiny (besides finding a Gjallarhorn) is when you're on a crucible team that is working so well together that you just beat a team 2:1. I've been in clans before where you had a full fireteam of 6, all from the clan, you jump on Control or Clash and you just win and win and win, because 1. You're all strong Crucible players, and 2. You work together well. This applies for Iron Banner too, it's so much easier to win in Iron Banner when you have a team who knows what they're doing.
That's all the suggestions I have for now. Let me know what you guys think.
Great post Benster, I'm certainly not an Elite player but I am willing to learn and get better. I love playing the game and enjoy grinding out to achieve my goals. It will take patience (and time) by the Clans better players to help the rest of us get better and in turn make the Clan stronger as a whole. We could start by helping me get the shards/gear I didnt get on Crota Hard. I only helped kill Crota and missed everything but the first chest on my Titan. We can also post times we are available to play and what we need to get done etc... so that we can help each other and get the most out of our time playing this awesome game.