Right hand man
Exotic hand cannon
Looks like a 1911
"It never leaves my side"
Low impact high ROF
Tier 0 Secondary care
Exotic perk. Kills with this weapon instantly reload your primary
This is for those times you are really pressured and run out of ammo you could quickly swap to this, take an easy mob out, then swap back to your primary and continue the slaughter.
You should make it so that it regens ammo in the same way as the ice breaker but faster. I actually like this idea because what I imagine myself doing is carrying two handcannons and contantly switching between the two since hand cannons don't carry a lot of ammo but they are high damaging weapons. I'd say add that one perk that makes switching practically instantaneous.
Really love this concept.
Aren't hand cannons primary weapons though -_____-
For me the exotic perk utterly useless #nooffense
I'm not sure I really like it. The exotic perk seems alright when you talk about it, but in truth its's a little weak. By the time you waste all of your primary ammo, there will be a ton of Primary Ammo Packs to pick up off the ground, and you can continue the fight.
I take it it would be in the secondary slot? This is a really cool idea. In pve you never waste your time reloading. Maybe you can make it so that it regens it's clip? That way the dps never stops in pve
But it is already your primary kinda counter productive right?
It would have secondary care putting it in the same role as modern guns. It was perk 0