Dude... wtf? I've met so many good players and good people in general off the forums and LFG. I'm not saying there aren't bad teams out there. There are. But if you are really trying as hard as you say you are to find a good team, then something else is wrong. I'm pretty much always the sword bearer and I've only played with 3 or 4 teams that couldn't beat him within a reasonable time. As a sword bearer, you pretty much have the toughest job so the other 5 players just need to do what you say to do, when you say it. If you are as good as you claim, minus any glitches or accidents, you really shouldn't be having this much trouble. Either you're one of those guys who leaves a team after 3 or 4 runs, your timing is off, or you're just not spending enough time running it. Playing with tendons can sometimes take a few runs before you're all on the same page. I'm not bashing you here, I'm just saying that there has to be another piece of the puzzle missing. There's a ton of good people to run with off the forums. In fact, I've met more good than bad. Good luck mate