Xür sold it right at the start of the game and I didn't have enough strange coins for it. Since then it has been my quest in the game to get this gun for myself, it drops for my friends in raids but I have no such luck!! I just want Xür to sell it so I can have it in my gear...
Bungie should implement a voting system for the community to vote on which guns they would like to be sold that week. It doesn't need to have the overall say in it but it should go towards the choice. Maybe have a choice of 5 guns each week for us to choose from.
Lol.. No
You don't want it. It sucks in Crucible. Perk is useless there, seeming as most maps are small and you'll just be attacked again as you are healing. PvE is where it shines and in Crota HM I'd only wanna use it. Bad JuJu >>>>>> Red Death
It's good, but I think bad juju is better.
My friend just needs Red Death too have all the Exotics (Excluding Nechrocasm)
I've seen guys drop most exotics several times in raid, they just get sharded its such a waste lol. If trading was allowed it should be only allowed inside the raid. If one of the raid team drops an exotic he doesn't need he should be able to trade the item with someone else in the raid team that still requires said item. A guy I play with has dropped 4 G-horns . . I sadly have not seen 1.
I got it from Deathsingers yesterday. I got my Ghorn from Deathsingers last week too lol
U could have mine just sits in my vault
Voting? Lol. Then he'd sell Gjallarhorn every week.
Bungie should implement trading and gambling back into Destiny. That was the original intent of RNG in this game.
I missed suros. I bought red death a couple weeks before and didn't have enough for suros when it came around. I'd rather have suros.
I'm in the same boat with Suros. Didn't have enough coins when Xur was selling it, haven't seen it since, and I've been raiding/nightfalling/PvP'ing ever since hoping to get lucky and find one in a drop. No dice so far.