originally posted in:BungieNetPlatform
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[url=http://www.bungie.net/7_A-Year-of-Topics-2013---2014/en/Groups/Post?id=63315914&groupId=39966#referred-]2013-2014 Update[/url].
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Post?groupId=39966&id=60243881&path=1]Top 100 topics[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Post?groupId=39966&id=60244233&path=1]Top URLs, images, videos, links[/url]
[url=https://www.bungie.net/en-us/Groups/Post?groupId=39966&id=60244652&path=1]Controversial topics breakdown[/url]
Dataset defined between postIds 4313021 and 60235318 which is approximately 97 days
Total number of topics: 27652
Total number of tags used: 67366
Total reply count (to the OP): 249386
Total topic replies (including sub threads): 496374
Total topics with media (link, video, image): 7169
Most rated topic: "LONG AGO IN A DISTANT LAND" (5286398) with 167 ratings
Highest rated topic: "Anchronos Did It" (5284856) with a rating of 100 (22 ratings)
Lowest rated topic: "LOL How's you blue bar now!?!?!" (5859046) with a rating of 0 (25 ratings)
Number of group topics in the public forum: 1533
Number of "inspired by" topics: 871
Top 100 subject words (separated by space):
1. "the" x5546
2. "a" x3462
3. "to" x3219
4. "you" x3173
5. "is" x2536
6. "i" x2499
7. "of" x2231
8. "in" x1947
9. "what" x1651
10. "do" x1535
11. "for" x1500
12. "and" x1373
13. "on" x1360
14. "destiny" x1240
15. "this" x1240
16. "your" x1171
17. "my" x1061
18. "are" x1035
19. "how" x1013
20. "have" x967
21. "halo" x962
22. "be" x910
23. "new" x855
24. "so" x795
25. "with" x793
26. "why" x743
27. "will" x697
28. "or" x664
29. "it" x618
30. "like" x611
31. "if" x551
32. "that" x546
33. "about" x539
34. "we" x529
35. "bungie" x529
36. "should" x522
37. "just" x515
38. "can" x503
39. "game" x493
40. "think" x486
41. "would" x475
42. "-" x472
43. "i'm" x454
44. "me" x433
45. "an" x420
46. "who" x420
47. "anyone" x403
48. "at" x402
49. "4" x391
50. "not" x385
51. "get" x384
52. "all" x382
53. "favorite" x377
54. "3" x376
55. "does" x373
56. "from" x373
57. "people" x361
58. "need" x359
59. "was" x354
60. "2" x343
61. "has" x338
62. "thread" x335
63. "best" x334
64. "post" x328
65. "there" x314
66. "good" x309
67. "help" x309
68. "out" x305
69. "when" x302
70. "one" x293
71. "ever" x288
72. "vs" x288
73. "going" x288
74. "xbox" x284
75. "flood" x279
76. "any" x276
77. "some" x275
78. "want" x275
79. "no" x267
80. "up" x260
81. "what's" x259
82. "games" x255
83. "now" x252
84. "make" x251
85. "more" x250
86. "as" x247
87. "video" x242
88. "" x232
89. "did" x232
90. "play" x224
91. "don't" x217
92. "question" x216
93. "been" x214
94. "know" x212
95. "old" x210
96. "am" x205
97. "by" x205
98. "first" x202
99. "time" x195
100. "dead" x185
Top 20 tags (excluding offical):
1. "#Flood" x4695
2. "#feedback" x1370
3. "#TheFlood" x838
4. "#Halo" x466
5. "#Music" x407
6. "#funny" x407
7. "#Septagon" x378
8. "#News" x317
9. "#politics" x314
10. "#Halo4" x301
11. "#Help" x296
12. "#BungieNext" x233
13. "#YOLO" x207
14. "#religion" x168
15. "#Multiplayer" x166
16. "#bnetbugs" x164
17. "#swag" x164
18. "#games" x157
19. "#science" x150
20. "#mythic" x149
Top 20 tags
1. "#Offtopic" x14302
2. "#Flood" x4695
3. "#Destiny" x3515
4. "#Gaming" x3229
5. "#Community" x1473
6. "#feedback" x1370
7. "#Bungie" x1114
8. "#TheFlood" x838
9. "#Support" x732
10. "#Halo" x466
11. "#funny" x407
12. "#Music" x407
13. "#Septagon" x378
14. "#News" x317
15. "#politics" x314
16. "#Halo4" x301
17. "#Help" x296
18. "#BungieNext" x233
19. "#YOLO" x207
20. "#religion" x168
Top 10 group topics
1. "TFS The Floods Sanctuary" x141
2. "Destiny" x136
3. "Sapphire" x100
4. "The Flood Off Topic" x87
5. "Secular Sevens" x60
6. "Halo Forum" x54
7. "Outer Heaven" x54
8. "Art and Stuff" x33
9. "Music" x31
10. "New Monarchy Faction" x26
Top 10 image types
1. "jpg" x2044
2. "png" x512
3. "gif" x213
4. "jpeg" x32
5. "bmp" x2
Top 30 authors
1. "MyNameIsCharlie" x510
2. "Big Boss" x378
3. "lukeanatr" x291
4. "TopWargamer" x237
5. "Death" x221
6. "Chickenwire" x202
7. "Fat Man 3000" x190
8. "lonepaul2441" x185
9. "spartain ken 15" x162
10. "Mad Max" x152
11. "BuzzKill9009" x147
12. "WeededDragon" x142
13. "Malfar" x138
14. "AngryBrute" x136
15. "Foreveraloner" x136
16. "Nigdalf the Blac" x133
17. "Player3Th0mas" x127
18. "Silentone2" x127
19. "Tripp9" x124
20. "Guardian" x119
21. "Kernel Kraut" x110
22. "Dont Pass Gass" x110
23. "SecondClass" x110
24. "jk kills 33" x110
25. "DeeJ" x105
26. "jjj205" x104
27. "AZRIEL" x102
28. "xxstrongbeer" x101
29. "Le Dustin" x100
30. "Shadows the Vamp" x96
Top 20 days of topics
1. "2013-01-11" x1186
2. "2013-01-10" x992
3. "2013-02-17" x615
4. "2013-01-12" x570
5. "2013-02-18" x543
6. "2013-01-13" x495
7. "2013-02-21" x447
8. "2013-02-19" x428
9. "2013-01-14" x382
10. "2013-02-22" x380
11. "2013-01-16" x351
12. "2013-01-15" x348
13. "2013-02-25" x342
14. "2013-02-20" x322
15. "2013-01-18" x310
16. "2013-03-05" x309
17. "2013-04-01" x308
18. "2013-03-29" x306
19. "2013-04-07" x304
20. "2013-01-25" x302
I disagree