originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
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I'm fairly new to raiding. I have done VOG on normal and hard (once each) and Crota (a couple times). To do VOG on hard (mainly for the templar but willing to do full) and Crota on normal until I get all of the raid gear to move to hard. Looking to be able to do raiding consistently. Would like to be with some experienced players to learn the ropes but would be cool to join people in the same situation as me! Hoping to join in on the fun!
If interested, message me at GT epk87
Edited by FightinAnteater: 2/16/2015 4:40:45 AMIf anyone just invited me to a party chat earlier, send me a message or an add. Sorry I was in a middle of a strike. If it is about raiding, I can't tonight. But I'm sure I can raid tomorrow before the reset.