U act like a Christmas noob. Unless you are a hunter your super will make him walk around making him harder to hit. And your grenades do the same. Dps wise fusion rifles do the most. Ghorn does the most damage but not everybody has that. Most have murmur which works pretty well.
Stupid women logic
Fusions don't crit (except vex), so no they don't.
800 damage each individual shot. 7 shots. 5600 damage one burst. You don't need a critical for that.
Now do your math for a sniper ( pr, ib, p+t, bh, any legendary) they all have better dps, by a lot, with or without crits, best dps vs atheon (barring a team of gjeelies= less than 17 secs) is bh IF you can land all crits.
If u can. But for people who are bad shots. Fusion rifle is the best dps. Not everybody knows atheon ' s crit. Cus it's a little wonky sometimes. I've done vog like 90 times or something like that and his crit is still annoying for me.
Same, normally empty cm on him.
That's -blam!-ing nothing. 15k+ per icebreaker/Bhammer shot. And it shoots faster