Honestly after watching this video it's hard to say.
What do you guys think?
Edit: please don't even comment if you didn't watch the video.
Edited by dazarobbo: 2/16/2015 8:52:30 AMHere are all my arguments on the topic. [quote][url=http://www.darwinharmless.com/thoughts_and_comments/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/flow-chart-circumcision2.jpg]Here's the tl;dr[/url]. 1. The absolutely incredible thing I've learned from this topic is the amount of complete and utter ignorance and apathy toward this. It's sad. 2. Circumcision causes [b]significant physical and psychological pain[/b].[quote][url=http://www.jewishcircumcision.org/spectator.htm]The[/url] increasing doubts about Jewish circumcision are based on the understanding that it causes harm. Anatomical, neurochemical, physiological, and behavioral studies confirm what mothers already know: infants feel pain. Drs. Anand and Hickey, in a comprehensive review of recent medical literature on newborn pain, conclude that newborn responses to pain are "similar to but greater than those in adult subjects."11 This study is accepted by virtually all medical authorities and is often cited in the literature whenever there is a discussion of infant pain. As a surgical procedure, circumcision has been described as "among the most painful performed in neonatal medicine."12 Studies of infant responses show that the pain of circumcision is not like that of a mere pin prick. It is severe and overwhelming.[/quote] 3. The baby [b]does[/b] remember it.[quote][url=http://www.jewishcircumcision.org/spectator.htm]Circumcision[/url] has other harmful effects. Anand and Hickey write that the persistence of specific behavioral changes after circumcision in neonates implies the presence of memory. In the short term, these behavioral changes may disrupt the adaptation of newborn infants to their postnatal environment, the development of parent-infant bonding, and feeding schedules.18 Psychiatrist Rima Laibow agrees that circumcision significantly impairs mother-infant bonding.19 Other researchers conclude that circumcision has "behavioral and psychological consequences."20 The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Circumcision notes increased irritability, varying sleep patterns, and changes in infant-maternal interaction after circumcision.21 Canadian investigators report that during vaccinations at age four to six months, circumcised boys had increased behavioral pain response and cried for significantly longer periods than did uncircumcised boys, a possible indication of post-traumatic stress disorder.22 Other long-term effects have not been studied.[/quote] 4. The supposed reduction in risks of UTIs, STIs, HIV/AIDS, cancer, etc... are heavily disputed. The source of these claims is a 2012 [url=http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2012/08/22/peds.2012-1989]policy statement[/url] from the American Association of Pediatrics which has been [url=http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/early/2013/03/12/peds.2012-2896.abstract]criticised by numerous professionals and health care organisations for being culturally bias[/url]. 5. "Circumcision removes the risk of phimosis". First of all, in times where it is medically necessary to have one performed, the procedure is justified. Just as amputating a heavily infected limb would also be justified. Secondly, circumcision to prevent phimosis is like amputating your fingers, toes, etc... to prevent frostbite, or cutting out your brain to reduce the risk of dementia. 6. "I've seen one been done and the baby didn't cry".[quote][url=http://www.jewishcircumcision.org/spectator.htm]The [/url]relationship between infant pain and vocal response needs explanation. The cry may be reduced by the effect of anesthetics given to the mother during labor.13 These anesthetics enter the infant's body and, according to pediatrician T. Berry Brazelton, it can take over a week to leave.14 Other factors can also account for minimal vocal response. Justin Call, infant psychologist and professor-in-chief of child and adolescent psychology at the University of California, reports that "sometimes babies who are being circumcised . . . . lapse into a semi-coma."15 Tonya Brooks, president of the International Association for Childbirth at Home and a midwife, observes, "In four of the nine circumcisions that I have seen, the baby didn't cry. He just seemed to be suddenly in a state of shock!"16 Studies demonstrate that even though an infant may not cry during circumcision, the stress hormone level in the blood still increases dramatically, and medical researchers consider this change to be the most reliable indicator of pain response.17 Therefore, lack of crying does not mean that the infant feels no pain. It could mean that he is withdrawing from unbearable pain.[/quote] 7. [url=http://sciencenordic.com/male-circumcision-leads-bad-sex-life]Male circumcision negatively affects the sex lives of a male and his female partner.[/url] 8. "It's the parents' choice." I want to remove the skin from the little finger of my newborn baby girl. That's my choice as a parent, according to this bizarre idea. If you disagree, would you also support my choice to have my daughter's earlobes cut off? How about the entire ear? Am I still justified in it being my choice as a parent? No? How about amputation of her legs? Removal of her eyeballs? What about a straight-out honour killing just because it's [i]my choice[/i]? Draw the line in the sand between what's acceptable and what's not, and justify it. 9. "Not allowing me to circumcise my child is a violation of my religious freedom". See point 7 above. Freedom of religion can only go so far. By the way, who's freedom are we talking about here? Yours, or your child who just been born, doesn't even know what religion is, and might not even want to be part of your religion? 10. "An uncircumcised penis looks ugly." You're free to hold that opinion. If you want to decide that you were born partially ugly and want to have a cosmetic procedure to reshape it, go right ahead. Do note I mentioned it being [i]your decision[/i]. 11. "Why are you so obsessed with dicks?" I'm not the one advocating genital cutting like you probably are. People should leave things alone that don't belong to them. Did you ever think about that? 12. Given everything you've learned above, if you are anti-"female circumcision" you should be equally outraged at male genital cutting. It's mutilation for both sexes, any way you cut it. 13. Speaking specifically about the American culture, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gCSWbTv3hng]it is routinely done as a way to stop boys from masturbating[/url], which obviously doesn't work. The same person who endorsed this practice tried to enforce burning girls' clitorises with acid. [i]n[/i]. If you've made it this far and are still pro-genital cutting, go to YouTube, search for a video named "What the Heck is a Circumcision? - Part ll", and skip to 7:30, then post how much you love the idea of slicing up babies (although if you do, well... let's just say I hope you never have children of your own, for their sake).[/quote]