There lies an elusive creature. Seen by some, defeated most, his legend continues.
While on patrol you may find yourself face to face with this powerful vandal. If this happens, be sure you have full heavy, special, and primary because in some cases you'll use it all. He eats gjallahorn rockets for breakfast and Wolfpack rounds for desert. Your thunderlord rounds are like being in a pillow fight. He is the nightfall, his light switch is always active. He preys on the young kindergaurdians, and makes the high levels tremble.
Here is rare footage of this mythic creature. The death of the vandal is not confirmed.
WARNING! This video may frighten many. Graphic content ahead. You have been warned.
Yeah helps when you actually hit the vandal with you machine gun and no this vandal is kinda powerful but not as bad as fücking Urzok he appears by the old loot cave during the public event.