Is that why Kim did what she did? Lol
I wouldn't be writing for free if I didn't love it. The 'not a famous writer YET' is just me being... me. I get the question a lot, and it's mostly meant to imply that if I'm NOT I shouldn't be 'wasting my time' writing. I'm obviously not going to stop. Case and point, I wrote that novel I linked for Halo and stuck it up on Fictionpress just because I really enjoy creating stories, writing, and having people enjoy them. I wouldn't have put all the time I did into the series posts I've put up on here if I didn't love it. Introducing people to stories they can enjoy, that I can write for them, is what I like to do. I'm [i]mildly[/i] insulted at any insinuation that I'm in it for other reasons. But I'll give you a pass :) that's very good advice.