Solar Energy is the general term for radiant light and thermal energy that comes from the Sun.
Kinetic energy is a form of energy that is basically the energy of movement. You can imagine the damage that literally a googleplex of atoms moving at extraordinary speed would do to living Cell tissue.
Remember, I was keeping Heat Energy out of this. The Lions would be Vapourised at a distance of a few million miles from the sheer radiant heat.
Everybody look at this tryhard and laught
You're an idiot.
You're such a fûckîng nerd.
> >nerd Is this kid serious I'll give you this one chance to leave before I make you cry with words alone.
I literally don't understand what you're trying to get at.
Calling someone a nerd on a forum hosted by a Game developer. It's hilariously ironic.
So playing games makes me a nerd? If I'm a nerd, then you must be one too.
Nice try, but that's basically what I was saying to you, seeing as you brought it up first, and all.
[quote]You're an idiot.[/quote] Says the guy who doesn't think a billion lions could defeat the sun
Bruh 1v1 me