The rules: There are three teams comprised of morals off heroes and villains. Each team is given 1 week of prep (except Batman), and can win via any means within earthly range (no, Doom steals Galactus' magic toothbrush and destroys the world) that does NOT consists of things like sucking the earth into a black hole or something. The overall objective is to destroy earth so that no human life remain alive. Each team is given their own copy of earth.
Team 1- Reed, T'Challa, Namor, Storm, Iceman, Poison Ivy, Hulk and Blink.
Team 2- Dr. Doom, Lex Luthor, Aquaman, Shocker, Quicksilver, Sunspot, Magneto and Nightcrawler.
Team 3- Batman, Iron Man, Red Tornado, Invisible Woman, Electro, Human Torch, Cyclops and Avalanche
3 By far